Tag: Health



Most people’s sexual energy needs some form of toxicity to be aroused

This is due to the traumas(demonic entities) that exist within them needing to feed off more traumatic energy to continue to exist

Majority of the population’s sexual energy is intertwined with toxic low vibrational root chakra based programming

Thus they choose partners who their subconscious mind(body) know are toxic for them yet good for arousal/sex

This causes you to need pain; neglect; abuse; alcohol, drugs; just to be attracted or aroused by a person

These programs(low vibrational entities) causes you to argue with each other to build the sexual tension and arousal so that you can have low-vibrational make-up sex later

You will always choose the bad boy/bad girl to have sex with instead of the person who is actually healthy for you to be in a relationship with because they won’t be able to sexually satisfy you

They don’t have enough toxicity and trauma to satisfy your emotional needs for chaos and destruction

And the worse case scenario is that you will most likely end up creating a baby out of these low toxicity frequencies with a person who was never designed to have a family with you

Then you will look for someone healthy to create a family with yet your programming is still designed to be aroused by toxicity

So you’ll continue to have an imbalance between what you consciously(mind) desire and what you subconsciously(body) desire

There’s two paths that this leads to; the first path is the path of celibacy because you’re tired of dealing with trauma bonds and low-vibratory relationships/connection; the second path is when you just accepted that this is the way it’s going to be forever ; so you just continue to have low-vibrational sex with toxic people just to get your lust need fulfilled

The first will end up single for majority of their life wondering why they still don’t attract anyone on their frequency who is also sexually compatible

The later ends up with 18 kids from 18 baby daddies/mommies wondering why they can’t seem to find a good and healthy relationship partner

Yet there exist a third path; the path of sexual alchemy and transmutation which allows you to remove the toxicity from your sexual programming so you are no longer attracted to the toxic types

Thots;Strippers, OnlyFans Models,Promiscious Men/Women, Porn Addicts, Cheaters,Gangsters,Drug Dealers/Addicts; Murderers; Jailbirds and Hoodlums, ect will no longer arouse you

You’ll then start to be attracted to healed high-vibrational people who have done the work on themselves to also remove their traumas and toxicity

95% of humanity will no longer become attracted to you yet you’ll start to attract the 5% of people who have actually done the shadow work and sexual alchemy work to reprogram their sexual energy

You’ll finally be able to attract your Divine Lover and form a Divine Relationship

In a society where toxic relationships and trauma bonds are the established norm ; the one who purifies themselves and treats their sexual energy sacred is seen as a rebel











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Discernment Enhancement Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Relationship Holo https://www.thecompanyofheavenofficial.com/free-holograms

Tesla Violet Ray

The Violet Ray was originally developed by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla.

Tesla coil violet ray technology creates ozone penetrating the skin, can act as a disinfectant in the cells of the body.

Research found ozone kills CoVid19 in the cells.

A form of light disinfectant.

Tesla was successfully experimenting on disease and rejuvenation with ozone in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the 20s and 30s, Oxygen-Zone Therapy was used in hospitals, clinics and sanitariums.

In the second half of the 20th century, pharmaceutical companies started disparaging all electro-therapies as drug-oriented medicine was taking off under the Flexner Report which banned everything from being taught in Medical Schools besides deadly allopathy`.

Tesla had a hunch that, since his high-potential currents could be passed into the body harmlessly: “these currents might lend themselves to electro-therapeutic uses.”

He experimented upon himself.

When Tesla was struck down in the streets by a New York taxi, he didn’t deliver himself over to the medicals but dragged himself up to his hotel room where, in seclusion and with the help of his own electrotherapy, he recovered from his fractures and contusions.

He never patented in electrotherapy but in 1891 began publishing his observations in technical journals, and seven years later we find Tesla giving a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in which he details with drawings the Violet Ray apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included a Tesla coil.

The Violet Ray was ultimately banned by a fake doctor commissioned by the Rockefellers & Carnegies named Abraham Flexner.

In his Flexner Report of 1910, the stage was set for pharmaceuticals & allopathy with many alternative healing modalities deemed “Quack” thus removing AMA certification from schools who taught these therapies & destroying the doctors who used them. The USA is the only country in the world where Ozone Therapy and Electrotherapy are “banned”.

Via Leroy Springett

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A New Day

Stepping into a new day when they tell us we are all gonna die is not easy to do

But the “theys” of the world are being exposed on a grand scale these days, so it’s up to each person to decipher the bullshit web of lies ;and instead allow TRUTH to strike and disintegrate the deceptions.

So the choice is ours: Do we believe the falsehoods the “theys” feed us or, we can choose to dance on the embers of their weak-ass lies

Let’s end this sadness today and light a match to rekindle the freedom,that comes from staring into TRUTH’s brilliance; beckoning us all to rise up from the ashes of all their dragons we have slayed!

Eva Santiago © 2021


We all drink from a certain cup
Bitter or sweet,
We take our daily libations from life’s fountain
A drink from a bitter cup has to be chased by a sip from the sweet one
or how would we make it?

Some choose bitter some choose sweet
Then there are those of us who figured long ago both are essential,
you can’t have bitter without the sweet
you can’t have sweet without the bitter

A babe craves sweet as it can’t handle bitter
The mature turn bitter from having swallowed the delusions that come with too much sweet
Too much sweet rots you from the inside out
So does too much bitter

Some drink their cups of shattered scraps as if that’s all there is
A wilder mind accepts that bitter and sweet cups are the stuff of life’s elixir
The bitter enhances the sweet and the sweet softens the bitter
You weren’t meant to drown in your bitter gall
Nor were you meant to be pacified by all that is sweet
The bitter tames your soul, makes it pliable
The sweet enhances all that is good in you

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2016



There is a smell and feel of dawn long before the light
Dawn smells like:
An untraveled path
A rose about to bloom
A hot cup of steaming green tea

There is a smell and feel of dawn long before light
Dawn feels like:
A newborn’s breath on my cheek
My lover’s kiss on my eager lips
A hug from some one you have not embraced in a while
An unexpected smile…

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014

predawn2 predawn1predawn3predawn4

Dying to Live, Loving to Die

What goes
Is what you let go
What stays is what you welcome
What flourishes
Is what you nurture
What dies
Is what you starve
What Fails
Is what you discouraged
What blooms
Is what you pruned
What is, is what you allowed
What is not, is what you dismissed
What you run away from
Is what will catch up with you
What you abandoned
Is what haunts you
What you refused to acknowledge
Is what will scream at you
In your loneliest of nights
The lie you told
Will tell on you
The truth you with held
Will annihilate you
The love you denied
Will embitter you
The hate you embraced
Will cripple you
You think you only die once?
Fools die stung by their own bitter gall
You think you only die once?
We’ve all been dying since the day we were born.

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014




What does it mean to bring a new life into this world?
It means:
To love more
To hate less
To care more
To put an and to carelessness
To say more with fewer words
To put your love into action
And talk less trash
To feel more and stop numbing yourself
To leave your comfort zone
Only to find your trusted comfort zone, was actually more uncomfortable than you thought
You were just too afraid to admit it
To see more and stop turning a blind eye to life
To listen more and stop tuning life out with the noise you choose to filter the world through
To hear with your heart’s ear drum and follow that beat no matter where it takes you
To put away all those things that keep you blind, numb, deaf and dumb….

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014

