Tag: Author


2 years ago, he left for good…

Our good, that is

2 years later, things that had to fall in place,have

Things that had to run by the wayside,did

Things that are still together

Are holding beautifully and without much effort

2 years ago, I didn’t know if I’d make it on my own

2 years later, indeed, I have!!

2 years ago, I needed reassurance that my life altering decision was the right one

Not just for me;for my kids too

2 years later, I only wonder why I waited so long

2 years ago, I wondered If I would regret ending it

2 years later, I stand firmly by my decision and I boldly proclaim:

I regret very little in this short life span I’ve lived

I have loved walking this path

Here’s to the many steps that I’ve left to take!!!

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2015

Us Parents, We’re Weird Like That

We hope our kids are growing

Then get sad when they do

Us parents, we’re weird like that

We hope they grow more independent

And when they take off on their own

We cry

We hope they need us less and less

Once they do, we wring our hands and pace the floor with worry

We hope our kids leave the nest

And once they do,

We’re devastated

We hope they find true love

And once they do,

We hope they won’t have too many heart breaks

We hope our kids grow up to be amazing people

And once they do

We hope they don’t forget us

Ahhh yes, parental complexity knows no bounds!

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2015

Moments Add Up To LOVE

Don’t worry about what comes next

Enjoy the moments as they are given you

If there is to be another

Enjoy that one and the moments after that

In this way

Moment by moments shared is how 2 grow in love

You  grow in love gradually

Moment by moment

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2015

Moment by moment…

Eva Santiago copyright 2015


I still call you friend

Said I’d be there ’til the end

You still hold your axe

You’ve never bothered burying it

You hack away at me

Yet I remain unharmed

You hack away at me

Always coming at me fully armed

I offer you a hug

When you need it most

And in exchange

You hurl at me all your ugly words

I no longer dodge your swords

Because no one in their right mind fights back a ghost…

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014








Breathe deeply

This is a new day

Awaken from your sleep

Don’t back down

From all that you have to say

Don’t be stuck

Don’t glory in one place

Your spirit must soar

Your soul must aspire

Don’t stay stuck

In places where demons conspire

And they do conspire and plot against you

What is hell in this life but a place where you’re stuck

What is your own private hell?

A place of no growth

A place of no life

A place of dark shadows

Where the demons conspire

To make you quit and not soar

To make you give in, retire and expire from all you truly desire

You were born into light

You were born to take flight

And the demons they hate

And they will distract to make you miss your divine appointments

To make you late

Keep you out of sync

With your divinely appointed date

All that is human

Was born on this planet

All that is divine

Was born from the spirit

Don’t waste one more hour

Thinking what you see is all there is

You are so much more than flesh and bones

Aim for the heavens

For that is your true home

It’s heaven or bust!

Aim for the heavens

Leave your skin and bones behind

Open your eyes

Don’t you settle for staying blind

Don’t you swallow any more lies

Breathe deeply

Deeply breathe

A new day has dawned!!!

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014










There is a smell and feel of dawn long before the light
Dawn smells like:
An untraveled path
A rose about to bloom
A hot cup of steaming green tea

There is a smell and feel of dawn long before light
Dawn feels like:
A newborn’s breath on my cheek
My lover’s kiss on my eager lips
A hug from some one you have not embraced in a while
An unexpected smile…

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014

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Winter of want
Several seasons of this …
I am weary
I wake up daily
Put my nice smile back on
Yeah, gotta make sure everyone knows I’m ok
But inside
I am not
I am not ok with the needs
I am not ok with this winter of want
I am not ok with standing
I am a person of action
Lately my actions don’t seem to amount to much
I am not ok with laying down and taking it
When does this winter of want end??
I close my eyes and I see myself running in fields of plenty
I see seeds I sowed long ago
Finally bringing forth their fruit
This is my only hope
In this long, weary winter of want

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014

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Will I Ever Know the Outer Fringes of You?

route66 route662 route663

Will I ever know the outer fringes of you?

Will I ever let you know mine?

What can be found in your out skirts?

I’ll tell you what you might find in mine…

A slow down sign or two

A proceed with caution sign too

I’ll only roll out the red carpet to welcome you into my inner city

IF and only when I find you  worthy

In my outer city limits you’ll see a cheap motel

For the lone traveler just passing through

Stay the night and no longer than that

You’ll also find a cheap diner

Where you  can eat on the go

You’ll find a gas station

One with several sun faded signs

Where gas is just 10 cents a gallon

I want you to hurry and fuel up

So you can leave as fast as you can.

EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2014