365 Snap Shots of Life: Day 237



I find that people who put themselves in a box are blasé and quite boring…

 They spend their drab lives asleep, loudly snoring, while life slips by them…

Then, one day, they wake up and are  upset because they claim that those of us who enjoy our lives are being loud and rude; our busy and productive lives make so much noise, it awoke them! Well, I’ll tell ya- excuse me for stepping on your boring and mundane toes. If my too-much activity stirs you to anger, well then, perhaps it’s for your good. Wake up! Take a chance!

Smell the roses, and I don’t mean the one you’ve picked out to deck your early coffin. Live and let live! Yes, this means you! Praise Him who made you. Stop your whining and complaining. Be glad He chose to keep you alive!

-EVA SANTIAGO copyright 2012



4 thoughts on “365 Snap Shots of Life: Day 237

  1. Hi Eva, a great thought…. Praise Him who made you… even before we are born God allots the days we will have on earth by His foreknowledge, yes He can increase them or decrease them but mostly they are as set, so I agree lets not waste them by focusing on the negative.

    Christian Love from both of us – Anne.,


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