365 Snap Shots of Life: Day 211

How is your Sunday so far? Mine is consisting of a little house work, a bit of Olympic games viewing and now giving you yet another preview of my new book coming out SOON!. When I was writing Salsa! The Taste of Life, I was afraid I wouldn’t have enough material. Now, after editing it turns out I had a surplus! I’m so glad too because I get to use this edited material to promote Salsa! before it goes live.

My editor suggested that I save this material I had to cut out for another book. I thought of it and then I realized I don’t have to. Do you know why? because this writer knows that her creative fountain will never run dry. You see, the creative process is a marvelous thing. I write when I have something to say. There are times when I only journal my personal thoughts. So I keep writing. Then after seeping in my own creative juices after a little while, VOILA! The flow starts back up. That’s why I can share my edited work with the world on my blog right now; because I know there’s more coming!

Happy Sunday!

Children No More

The children are at school,

always being taught

to ignore the Golden Rule,

What they learn is for naught.



The children in school all day,

told what to do every hour,

even told how they can play;

their disposition is quite sour.



The children in school all week;

they never learn about God.

Taught to be selfish instead of meek,

at home the parents spare the rod.



The children in school all year;

taught to be good for nothing,

filling them up with knowledge, facts, and fear,

out after twelve years, knowing nothing at all.

From the crib to the daycare,

from the daycare to the classroom,

all they learn is to defy God and swear.

The children are in school…

Today, to be a child is quite rare.

-Eva Santiago Copyright 2012

DISCLAIMER! This poem is in no way meant to offend any teacher who works in the public school system. I have many friends who teach in public schools and I respect them all for the tremendous job they do in a failed system.

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