365 Snap Shots of Life: Day 99


We sat around eating brunch this morning. Actually it was left over home-made soup from last night. We were discussing what Easter means to each of us. My youngest had posted on FB that Easter is lame because they have commercialized it  and now they make it all about the Easter Bunny and candy. My second daughter pointed out that Easter is different things to different people. She said for herself, it’s about her risen Lord and Savior. The rest of the family said today is a day of remembrance ; never forgetting what was done for us at the cross. My husband even said that it’s about never forgetting to pick up your cross daily not just on Easter.

I grew up Catholic and so Easter would bring the people out of the wood work on Easter Sunday. Every family would show up to church in brand new clothes and I remember wondering what all the big fuss was about since I had to go to mass every Sunday come rain or shine. The creepiest part of the whole week leading to Easter was on Good Friday , when we went to a Good Friday service and we had to kiss the feet of Jesus on a crucifix that was passed around by a priest.

Just now my husband came home and brought me some flowers to plant in a planter in my backyard. My youngest daughter and I just planted them and it struck me: Easter to me is about living life to the fullest. Jesus dying on the cross so I could live forever…there had to be a death so that I could have a life.  There had to be a sacrifice of an innocent life so that we who are guilty, can be absolved of our wrong doing. So for me Easter is about LIFE! Tonight we will have communion here at home with our family. Jesus said,” Do this in remembrance of Me.” He didn’t hype it up. He had a small, intimate meal with his closest friends and followers. Easter to me also is about remembering the intimacy of a love so deep and powerful that was given to me without reservation. Do this in remembrance of Me,” Love, Live and Celebrate in remembrance of HIM!

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